Hi Im back :D

Assalamualaikum reader's. As we all know school has been started and I was like erghhhhh *why cepat sangat ?* Nak buat macam mana, ready tak ready memang wajib pergi. Firstday sekolah Faa baru dapat tahu class apa and aliran apa. I got P.A class. what P.A ? it is Personal Assistant ? Lulz Noooooooono. P.A is Prinsip Akaun. Guess what ? cikgu sekolah Faa main pakai humban je kita class apa Whattheahah. Hrmm tapi Fafa takut dengan cost ni. Dalam sekolah Fafa, class P.A ada dua. Zamrud and Delima. Zamrud dia amik cost Physic, Chemist, Addmath, and P.A but class Delima Amik P.A, addmath, and EA *Ekonomi Asas*. And Faa dapat class zamrud maakgatttt terperanjat gilaaa okay. Yolaa Physic and chemist kot. Waduh waduh.

Decide nak mohon tukar Delima but My mom tak kasi :( My mom suruh stay je class tuh. Huaaaa T.T Hrmm nvm, maybe ada hikmah why aku disumbatkan dekat class tuh. Hikhokkkhik. Now, Fafa dah takboleh memain lagi. Faa kena study, study and study. Faa kena score semua subject. I'll try my best. Faa tanak kecewakan mama. Guys ? pray for me yeah ? Muahh sikit :*

And you know what, Fafa terpisah jauh gilaa dengan team Fafa. Dorg semua dapat cost lain. Hrm Kan best if dorg dapat sama cost dengan Fafa. Boleh study sesama macam dulu. I mean study sesama tuh subject physic, chemist blablabla. Diaorang tak dapat yang tuh. Diaorang dapat perdagangan, Ekonomi asas.

Hrmm okay thats all. By the way, sorry if post ni tak dapat menarik perhatian awak awak semua hihi kbye :D